Panoramic Photo Mode?

30 Dec 2004

Ive got a Canon A95 and cant find anywhere where it will say that it can shoot In a Panoramic mode. Im hoping it can, which is why im asking here! :)

I dont really know how to shoot panoramic or anything, all i know is that its a bunch of pictures all joined together into one big one, giving a big view of an area.

Ive tried taking a picture, then one slightly next to it, but my results come half way out. (Half of sky would be missing, no clouds matching etc.)

Just wondering if anyone can help me?

Appriciate it if you can :)

you need to shoot in manual mode otherwise the camera adjusts the exposure etc which mucks up the matching between adjacent shots. Have a look for Panorama factory or other such packages , they do all the hard parts for you
I think the A95 has a Stitch Assist mode which helps you to take a series of shots and line them up correctly. Your camera should have also come with some software called Photostitch which can assemble the shots into a long panoramic
mrgubby said:
you need to shoot in manual mode otherwise the camera adjusts the exposure etc which mucks up the matching between adjacent shots. Have a look for Panorama factory or other such packages , they do all the hard parts for you
AdWright is correct, look in the "manual" ;) for stitch assist.
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