Paper Girls (Amazon)

11 Nov 2002
@Lartyconshayo described it as "very Stranger things like" in the TV shows thread so I thought I would give this a go. I don't read comics or graphic novels so had no real knowledge going in apart from that! Just finished season 1 (8 episodes) and can say it's very refreshing in the same way Stranger things season 1 was. Not so much horror, but feels just as impressive as S1 of ST, in a different way. Soundtrack is amazing, even better than ST. Quite a unique storyline with bits of both ST and Dark, to give you an idea.

Only posting a teaser I found online, seeing as the show is already available to watch freely.

Hard to give it a rating but I enjoyed it more than the last Amaozn "big" series which was The Terminal List with Chris Pratt.

p.s. I got the new Amazon Prime interface about the same time this show dropped. Under the old interface I'm sure this is one of these shows where they dedicate carousels upon carousels promoting this :D

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