Paragon PC

4 Dec 2014
South norfolk

Game looks really promising, 5v5 combat with different characters that seem customizable.

Beta due anytime now, main release due sometime in 2016. What's people's thoughts?

Anyone looking forward to it?
We seem to be drowning in MOBA's lately, most which will fail.

This though i feel will do well, visually it looks great and i like the 3rd person approach like Smite. Will be keeping an eye on it.
I like the limited range on ranged characters and yes it is only alpha, but damn this is dull. It looks great and plays smooth but other than that, I don't have anything good to say about it.

Classes are not balanced, games can take forever which is often made worse due to the high number of ####s that join then go afk - once a team or a particular character gets ahead then he can just destroy everyone (done this and been on the receiving end) some characters are poorly balanced and insanely dull to play as.

Most of the people playing seem beyond stupid, melee characters hitting thin air, running into the enemy team and dying instantly giving them loads of xp and killing any balance. This has a long long long way to go.
From an email:

All Heroes Free, All Cards Earned
Paragon is designed so that all players can compete and win without ever having to spend money. All Heroes are free, and cards can only be earned by playing the game. The game will never be pay-to-win, meaning we will never sell gameplay-affecting items. We will sell cosmetic items (skins, emotes), boosts, other convenience items, as well as early access. We’re taking this approach because we believe that competitive games need to fair for all players.
From an email:

All Heroes Free, All Cards Earned
Paragon is designed so that all players can compete and win without ever having to spend money. All Heroes are free, and cards can only be earned by playing the game. The game will never be pay-to-win, meaning we will never sell gameplay-affecting items. We will sell cosmetic items (skins, emotes), boosts, other convenience items, as well as early access. We’re taking this approach because we believe that competitive games need to fair for all players.

That's a really good stance, fair play i'm looking forward to this.
Early access starts tomorrow for anyone that bought a founders pack.

I'm not sure if anyone's played Vainglory on the iPad (which I'm addicted too :p) but it reminds me of this in many ways.
Always been intrigued in MOBAs but never got into one. I always joined too late in the cycle. Not sure I'd be willing to spend any money on one though. They don't look that good.
played a few games on it yesterday, its no lol and team fights can be quite chaotic because of the third person view but it seems quite fun. the item upgrade thing is a bit rubbish though using the card system, swapping out builds late into a game is pretty much im possible if you dont own enough of the cards, should have been a shop system like lol has but its pretty fun none the less
From an email:

All Heroes Free, All Cards Earned
Paragon is designed so that all players can compete and win without ever having to spend money. All Heroes are free, and cards can only be earned by playing the game. The game will never be pay-to-win, meaning we will never sell gameplay-affecting items. We will sell cosmetic items (skins, emotes), boosts, other convenience items, as well as early access. We’re taking this approach because we believe that competitive games need to fair for all players.

It's nice the heroes are free, I'm put off by the cards thing though. It suggests to me that new players are at a disadvantage to veteran players. I think the thing that decides how well you do should be how good you are and not how long you've been playing and what advantages you've managed to acquire in that time.
The card system is a bit daunting at first but it turns out to be very good and provides you with a lot of flexibility on how you build your character
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