Parallels etc vs OSX software

1 Jul 2012

I'd like to gauge opinion on the above.
Having been a 'windows man' for a very long time and getting used to there being a program for everything, I've found since moving to OSX its not quite the same. Its getting there, it could have course be inexperience on my part.

My question is, which do you favour: running virtualization software and using the windows version or finding an OSX equivalent or the like-for-like (Office for example)?
I run VM's of various OS's extensively but prefer native OS X software when & where possible.
I don't bother with any VM software on my MBP. However, my girlfriend is a Word power user (very large documents, lots of revisions, comments, etc.) and has come across some serious bugs in MS Office for Mac. She therefore runs the Windows version of MS Office in VMWare Fusion.
I try to use the OSX version from ever possible, and I only use bootcamp really for gaming.
I would have office for mac if it was the latest version, but I recently got 2013 professional plus for €25 so I installed that on bootcamp as well.

I don't like switching between them however, and only used VM's for Linux work.
Office equivalent for OSX is pages by apple, saves in word format too and able to open MS word documents. The attributes pane for everything on the right takes a little bit of getting used to but once mastered becomes second nature.
iWork also includes Keynote and Numbers.

iWork as a whole is very easy to use and likely more than enough for the majority of users. However, if you require compatibility with Office (ie. you cannot export to PDF), stick with Office.
Pretty much use Google Docs for everything now (as a business with 10 people). I use Open Office as a local backup for when I'm on the train with limited internet - works great on the Mac - so much faster than Microsoft Word and it's free. The Open Office Spreadsheets are especially useful - they seem much better at opening the variety of formats we get sent (xls,csv etc) than Mac Excel.

I only use Parallels for IE browser testing.
Im currently running Parallels with Windows XP for my 3d printing software, there is a Mac version but its not as fully featured as the Windows client. I also have a Bootcamp partition with Windows 8 for Windows Only games, all now Steam based as pCars is now in Steam.

Ive been running Parallels since V4, right through to the current latest beta version and it just keeps getting better and is as stable as a native OS for everything i need of it.
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I need to use a robotics programming platform avail to windows only as part of my university studies and find Oracles Virtual Box very good and reliable. Upon installing the likes of windows on to a VM and installing guest additions, window7, which I use to run the robotics program, works seamlessly, as of native.

And it's free....
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