Parallels / Networking question

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Currently I have my network settings set up in OSX and Bootcamp XP to access the work network (printers and shared drives). I have a static IP that was issued to me.

However what I want to do, is use Parallels, and still have the ability to access the network drives etc.. However I think the bridged networking etc. in Parallels is stopping me from doing this.

Is there anyway to set up Parallels so that I can appear on the network with that IP? I guess it might conflict with the OSX IP that is also effectively connected at the same time.
Problem is, in XP Parallels, I do ipconfig and it reads IP 10.*** etc... rather than my required IP of 130.***.

Any more ideas? I can access the web through it, but no network drives etc.. :( I think I need to show those drives my 130.*** addy in order to be allowed to see them.
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