
Just going off on a slight tangent...

When I load up parallels, XP asks me to activate windows, even though I did that long ago when setting up bootcamp.

When I entered my XP code, it told me it had been used too many times!?!?!

Yet if I boot into bootcamp, no such request

What's this all about!?
^ I reckon its cos Parallels is virtuallising all your hardware, so windows thinks youve had major upgrades, therefore wanting you to reactivate it .
In bootcamp itll be fine cos its using the orignal hardware config there.
Not sure how to fix it tho, maybe someone else can help. :)
^ I reckon its cos Parallels is virtuallising all your hardware, so windows thinks youve had major upgrades, therefore wanting you to reactivate it .
In bootcamp itll be fine cos its using the orignal hardware config there.
Not sure how to fix it tho, maybe someone else can help. :)

Yup, It's down to the Virtual Machine hardware changes. I think that even if you boot into Bootcamp you will be faced with the same activation now. You should be able to re-activate it over the internet or phone without a problem.
That's the thing- it hasn't/didn't.

Perhaps a should phone MS.

Sorry, Just re-read your previous post.

You need to contact MS anyway, Give them a call on the number it gives you. Its almost all automated now anyway and you shouldnt have any problems. The automated line will ask you a couple of questions then allow you to re-activate Windows.
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