
18 Aug 2005
I no this game is bit old. this is more a graphics question. ive updated this game and still. get the same problem the explosions in the game give me a blank screen, i think its the post render FX in the game, ive got Leadtek GeForce 7800 GS 256MB and 2.0 gig of memory 3000+ cpu so its not game performance any iders be grate help.
I can rememeber something like this a while ago, someone was on a simlar 7xxx series card and they found a driver rollback helped :)
thanks benjo for quick answer, was hoping not to rollback.. most of my games work fine.. dam..
using 91.31 drivers so u think best to go back a fue any iders whats best driver. to cover most games.. or should wait till nvidia do next driver.
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