Parking commercial vehicles on a residential street

10 Oct 2011
A chap up the road runs some kind of coach hire business and about 6 months ago he took the decision to stop renting somewhere to park his coaches. This means that at some points he parks 2 full size coaches, 3 half sized coaches and a London bus on our street.

This causes problems with parking on the street and quite often he blocks driveways with them. I came across him the other day getting out of one of them and he was unrepentant and plans to keep doing it.

Is it legal to do this and run a commercial operation like this from a standard 3 bed semi on a suburban road?
Thanks everyone, I'll make some calls on Monday about it. Its a bit frustrating to be woken up at 4.30 on a Saturday morning when all his drivers turned up and got underway.
For a lot of the 6 months he has been parking them in the next road along, I assume to not annoy his direct neighbours (he lives a fair way from me so I hadn't really noticed).

It's possible that they have done something which is why he is back to this road.
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