Parking Fine

11 Oct 2008
Just had a phone call from my sister at home saying that I had a suspocious worrying letter come through the post for me, I said to her she might as well open it for me and I've had a parking fine come through for £40. I know exactly when it was but the thing is, It was a family dinner we attended and we parked on an Aldi car park which is just round the corner from this resturant. When we first got to the car park the first thing me and my dad did was to make suer that there was nothing on the notice which stated that we could not park there. All it said was that there should never be any obstructive parking or parking in the diabled bays otherwise a fine would occur etc. Anyway we parked there and my dad said not to worry about it.

Anyway I was a bit worried but when we got back to the cars at the end of the night, there was NO notices of any parking violations at all on any of our cars windscreens/windows (family's car was parked next to us too) and so I thought nothing of it afterwards until today when this letter came through, my sister said there was no photographic evidence that came with the letter either. The first thing my dad said was to challenge it as there is no way they could legally fine on us, i presume as well that our other family's car had a fine as well but we still need to contact them to ask them. I'm just looking for a bit of helpful advice really as I'm a noob with all of this lol and the thing I am concerned about the most is getting any point on my licence, and i'm reptty sure that there is no way that it will result in any points? I do remember reading up on a thread on here a month ago with someone else having a fine for parking on a KFC car park, could anyone give me a link for the thread or could someone post there outcome on the story?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Yes it looks like a private parking company, something along the lines of Euro blah I can't remember the full name of them, just the Euro part.

EDIT - EuroCar Parks, im 99% sure its them.

Thanks - Liam
Thanks for your advice Rainmaker :) Yeah but how do I explain to them that I was not the driver? Surely though because they have got my details of being the r/k of the car that must tell them it was deffo me who was driving? So basically the best thing to do is just to ignore the letters? Is it correct as well that if they have not got a court order for you to pay the fine then there is nothing they can legally force you to do?

Thanks - Liam
No because other people than the R/K can drive a vehicle as long as they're insured.

But can they find out from the insurance companies who is insured on the car? Or are insurance companies not allowed to give out that information?

Quick call to your insurance company there to double check me thinks, i'm pretty sure there must be some confidentiality act ??

That's what I thought, surely insurance companies cannot legally release this sort of information?

I've just been back to the car park now where I had the fine on.I Read the whole parking notice and the only thing that they could fine me on is being parked there for over 1 1/2 hours, and there parking rules ally 24/7. Also the fact that no notice was left on my car what so ever at the end of the night, how pathetic. If I do get in contact with them tomorrow then I will argue the fact that no notice was left on my car at all, according to my dad they should legally leave a notice on a violating car. I will argue it on the phone but I no doubt that they will feed me b/s saying "oh how can you prove it then, maybe we did leave leave the notice but your lying to us, oh the notice must have blown your the car by the wind" etc.

Do NOT phone them. Keep everything in writing. Send the letter in my first reply, above. Then forget it. Should they attempt to pursue it, remind them that pursing a disputed debt is an offence, and can be construed as harassment under The Administration of Justice Act 1979 and others. They won't bother you again. Don't be drawn into communications, don't be threatened. Relax!

Thanks for your helpful reply! I will only write to them with the template that Rainmaker supplied.

Hilly, I am not ignoring Rainmaker at all. I am just considering my options carefully,

Sorry I got the Parking company wrong again! It is actually ParkingEye.

Thanks again Rainmaker!

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Will look into all of this tomorrow! Thanks for all of your helpful replies guys! I will keep updates on how it goes.

Thanks - Liam
Well i've got the letter now. My GF is panicing saying I must pay it otherwise I could end up in court or loose my licence etc only because she saw the CCJ & bailifs warning on the back on the letter. Going to sort this out today but i'm still really peed off that they never put a notice on my car during the night to say I was in violation. Not going to speak to them but write to them.

You're going to have to speak to your girlfriend and explain to her that the company are a bunch of big fat liars. What if, like some I've heard of, she pays it behind your back?

Don't worry I know she wouldn't do that. In the end she did calm down about it & just said that one way or another she wants it sorting out without me getting into any serious trouble, which I know won't happen. I explained to her about how these companies work & the scare tactics that they try to feed you with.

First of all, assure your girlfriend that you won't end up in court. Even if you did (which you won't!), it would be a civil county court not a criminal court (eg magistrate, crown). You cannot lose your licence, get points, or anything else of the sort. This is a private (civil) matter, not a criminal one!

If I send a letter to your girlfriend today, saying I've decided she owes me £50 for me having written to her (self-fulfilling prophecy if you will), is she going to panic she'll lose her driving licence if she tells me to GTF?

Of course not. Show her this thread, and assure her she hasn't anything to worry about, and neither have you. It's exactly this reaction they'd LIKE to produce, as it tends to result in payment.... Stick to the plan, then stick it to the man :p

Yeah she knows now that it won't end up in court lol i'm going to ask her to read the consumer group forum later on.

Well just to let you all know, My dad told me he would sort this out and he sent a letter to Parking Eye last week stating that their is no way the fine is going to be paid and he argued a few other things in his letter like the lack of notice of the fine on the night etc and that he wants photgraphic evidence too. The company then refused to issue photographic evidence a couple of days ago and then today on my doorstep another letter came through from them with a cheeky reminder & also photgraphic evidence! Going to write another letter to them shortly.


Once again, I refer you my initial reply in post #2. Follow my advice, and then forget the matter. Or, carry on ignoring sensible advice (as you clearly intend to) and go around in circles. By sending the letter, your father has basically acknowledged the 'debt' on your behalf. Have fun with that.

We have took on board your advice, my dad has dealt with these sort of fines loads of times and has never paid a penny to one of these company's.

Yet you posted in here asking for help, and then clearly ignore it. The content of the letter you refer to your father sending is wrong in many respects, and you still talk of 'fines' - which can't be issued by a company, under common law. You are (and likely already have) made this far more difficult than it needs to be.

From what you've said, all your father has how achieved is (1) admitting that you were the driver with liability and (2) asking for - and receiving! - evidence to this fact. Doh.

I'm not having a go mate, but this course of action really hasn't helped you lol

We're NOT ignoring your advice at all. I do understand that maybe we have gone around this the wrong way, Because my dad was with me on the night he said he solely feels responsible even though I told him from the start that its my car, il deal with it etc but he did not listen.

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