Parking in town on a motorbike.

22 Jan 2006
Hi all,

I'm after a bit of advise really. I'm fairly new to riding and I ride my bike to and from work and out and about at the weekends. I don't normally take it into town as parking is a bit crap but I came across a car parking attendant that has made me question a few things.

There isn't a dedicated motorcycle parking area in this 'private' car park but first two hours are free 'IF' a valid ticket is displayed. Well its a motorbike where do you put this (non-sticky) slip of paper?

I parked up and happened to see the parking attendant and said "that'll be alright there won't it" to which he replied I'll need a valid ticket. I then expressed how daft that was as there isn't anywhere to put it.

He suggested I tuck a ticket under the petrol cap flap.

At this point I got slightly annoyed as I was basically being told if I left the bike without a ticket displayed he'd slap a fine on it.

I know its a private car park and not council run so they're out to make a profit and the bike being in a space that is one paying customer that could go use it (although 95% must use just the 2 free hours and then go).

So anyway back on topic, where do I park?
I live near Thame but when I say town I mean Aylesbury Buckinghamshire as Thame has nothing with regards to shopping or gyms.

There is a council run car park in town but the motorcycle section is often very full and its a shame as the retail area I was parking in is where all the shops (and my gym) are.

I'll take some pics next time I'm over that way and have a read of the signs to see if they mention cars or just vehicles.

There is a large paved area near the disabled bays that is between the car park and a KFC/Subway but don't fancy any chavy kids running around near the bike with their greasy fingers lol.
If you're using the Retail Park and need a car park just park at the Weavers Pub, it's just up the road and the car park is always empty. If unsure, I'm sure a quick pint after a workout would justify you parking there ;)

You could also park in the Upper Hundreds Car Park (short walk from the Retail Park/Gym),

I've not been to weavers for years but a game of pool after the gym could be better than a pint ;) ha.

as for upper hunderds, it has the barrier that goes up IIRC, with out sounding silly, how do you get past it on a bike if you don't have to pay?

Check this out, bit of a life saver for me!

Not sure how well maintained it is out of London though.

thank you, i'll have a read of this although visiting my GF most weekends and one night a week this could defo be helpful as she's in golders green.

surely theres some local shop carparks or side streets/pavements? grass verges?

I don't know about your bike but mine defo doesn't get her tyres grassy ;) haha.

Aylesbury isn't the place to just leave a motorbike in a side street.
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