Parking Permit question

22 Oct 2004
I use a visitor parking permit to park at a friends house. Im only aloud there at 8am-8pm which kinda sucks as I might want to stay overnight. What can I do.
I was thinking I could maybe park it outside my friends door, that's if it fits. Or park on the path outside the house, am I even aloud to do that?
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You can park it in their front garden if they've got one, you cannot park it on the path or you can park it somewhere not controlled by permits and walk to their house.
Good point:p
Some neighbour could report it though, very much doubt it though.

Report it to who though? they cant do **** :D as you said the restrictions are 8-8 so anyone after that point cant park without a permit, by your restrictions do you mean the streets restrictions?
Are we talking just normal on street parking, where its parking zone permits?
if it was me id park it on the pavement as close to the wall as I could,or at the end by the telegraph pole n chain it to it

doubt you'd be able to get it on the houses path,looks tight
Not sure what the rules are on over-night use etc. but theres 3 pay and display carparks within 30 seconds walk of there plus aldi though I guess that might not be suitable for over-night use (have no idea).
Yeah zoom down the road theres a sign, parking mon-sat 8am-8pm, so after 8pm you don't need a permit, provided you are gone in the morning before 9? as the wardens are usually out before then :p
Check the local authority website. They'll usually tell you if there are any motorcycle exemptions for permit zones.
park it where you like,your a motorbike:D

This. Never had a problem here & constantly see parking meter men/women around. Also, if you are worried have a look on the council website, they'll tell you where a bike can park. Or, just go back to the above point by wazza :p

Basically don't be a tard if you're parking where they could technically give you a ticket, i.e. don't take up a whole car parking or something silly like that.
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You can park it in their front garden if they've got one, you cannot park it on the path or you can park it somewhere not controlled by permits and walk to their house.

+1 we've got loads of those sort of terraced houses with little front gardens here, I see loads of bikes parked in them, it's what I plan to do when I get my own place again as it'll likely be a place very similar to those on the map you linked to (actually had to check it wasn't my home town!! :D )

If it's just overnight then if you can't squeeze into the front garden fully, park it on the path in front of the door (presuming no-one needs to come or go before/after you leave).
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