Parking your bike...

5 May 2014
So, I'm going to be taking receipt of my new bike in a few weeks and as a new rider something occurred to me recently...

So you're nipping to town, and you want to park in a regular P&D carpark...

Where do you put the ticket?
My Town has a Special Bike bay in the car park, Park in there & it's Free but park in a car bay & you're expected to pay, I've never needed a ticket any where but I'd tuck it under the strap that goes across your seat for the pillion.
As above, check with the local council. Bikes park free everywhere in my town, but they do ask that you're not silly and don't take up an entire car space if you can help it.

General rule though, if you're not sure, just park in the bike section in the car park, which are normally free.

I guess you could think of it this way if you're not sure of the rules: if you're taking up an entire space that they could be charging for, in a busy town, then I wouldn't be surprised if they charged you.
My doctor's car park has a free for an hour ticket system, the once I went on my bike I stuck the ticket on my screen......then took a snapshot of it on my phone, in case some numpty removed it.
I think the majority of car parks have a free bike parking area, if they didn't, outside of London a lot more bikes would park on the pavement (which they are not meant to but unless they are causing an obstruction is not illegal, see Q387: Can I park on the pavement?).

My bike doesn't have a strap across the passenger seat but whenever I have needed to display a ticket on my bike I have placed the ticket on the petrol cap, hooked under the metal keyhole cover (not sure what it's called).
I usually take 2-3 pictures, 1 clearly showing my bike on a certain car parking space holding the ticket in my hand and showing my reg. I also take a picture of where I've placed the ticket, so its usually front windshield. 3rd picture is a closeup of the ticket.

At the parking's I park its usually 20p for an 1 hour, the fine is £70. I don't mind spending 1 minute of my time to do those pictures and save myself from getting a ticket. :)
If you do pay and display a ticket then as well as the picture it is a good idea to write on the ticket "Motorcycle" and your reg so nobody will nick it.
My local council car parks allow bikes to park for free, which is great but it means we take up a whole bay. In central London you have to designated on street parking spaces and usually pay for the day or there's free parking in various underground car parks.

When it comes to pay and display although I've rarely used it for my bikes I always register with the phone or app services now, it's usually easier than carrying about spare change which I so rarely have and there's no ticket to worry about.
I've never paid for parking with my bike. Most pay and display's, around here at least, have an area where bikes congregate without charge.
im the same I usually park it anywhere,pavement ect

although I did pickup a ticket when I parked it in a car parking meter bay:(so im a bit wary now
its normally free parking where i live long as its "herring bone fashion" as my council calls it. but round here a lot peeps park motorbike and scooters in bicycle parking bays with chains, or on a footpath chained to a sign post etc. long as the bikes not blocking pedestrians its ok or has been so far
Never paid to park my bike anywhere.

Usually found motorbike bays, parked next to the cycle racks or on the pavement out of the way.
Yer if there's a bit metal loop to lock a bike up to, I'll park there. I also use the theory that If there's already a motorbike parked there I'll be fine :p
I just park it in a car space and put a ticket on it if i have to.
I tend not to use my Tiger for popping into town or things like that so its not an issue normally.
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