
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Whats the deal with parking? Last time I rode it wasn't an issue.

Do you have to pay in like pay and display car park, train stations, pay and display on roads?
Most towns have free parking facilities for bikes and designated areas can be found by using a search engine.

I've never paid to park to date.
Never paid for bike parking. I parked the ninja in an underground carpark and security said just to leave it at the side and the only fee is if the gate has to go up.. which is 3/4 length to allow bikes around :)
You don't have to pay and display on roads, well not where i live anyway, i asked the council.

Makes sense in a way - where would you put the ticket where it could be seen but not nicked?
you have to watch it... two parking tickets i got, parking in corner of car park in a place not marked for cars... and parking in a cul de sac at end on pavement.

i often park in bicycle places, but apparantly thats illegal even though it says im a bicycle on reg doc
I don't pay for parking unless the signs specifically indicate a motorcycle tariff. And then I normally find elsewhere :p

The council in Matlock have been getting quite funny about bike parking this year. They started by demanding we pay per bay. Then later in the season they started demanding a ticket per bike. £1.20 for 30 mins, errr no thanks!

They should be careful, a lot of bikers frequent that area over summer. It'll effect local businesses if they all decide to go elsewhere :)
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