Parma Italy

17 Oct 2002
Hi I have just moved from the UK to Parma in Italy and the TV is very poor digital channels consist of three shopping channels. Any idea what my options are is there anything that is worth watching of the internet.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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ive heard sky italia isn't too bad.

Other option is a UK sky box and around a 1-1.2m dish with a decent LNB on it. That should get you most channels available (when the weather gets dodgy you may lose a few though).
The strength of the Astra 2 (Sky UK) satellite in Northern Italy (that's where Parma is right?) is pretty identical to the signal received in Northern Scotland so I doubt you would have a problem getting Sky UK at all but you will need a slightly larger dish, unlikely to need 1.2m though. Arounc 60cm at a guess, thats what they use in Scotland.

If you google image search "Astra 2 Footprint" you will see some images of what I mean.

tesla- most stuff ive read on the net suggests that ideally a 90cm-1m dish is the best bet, price difference between 1 and 1.2 isn't that much so thats why I suggested it. Gives a nice margin for when its raining etc. 2D is the one you really want to make sure you get (as it has BBC channels etc).

2D has a really weird footprint though, down in lagos in portugal (where I spend a fair bit of time in the summer) you can pick it up fine with a 1.2m dish. Further across in spain you'll need a 2+m dish :/

Make sure you get a decent box though- the panny tudsb30/20s were good for fringe reception but they're elderly now (tudsb20 was out 98/99, 30 99/00 if I remember correctly). 20 is a slow box too, when working on refurbs we'd get about an extra 50+ done in a day on 30s instead of 20s.

Still, I don't mind. Means I get to keep up with neighbours etc :)
You can't get any of the BBC or ITV channels though. The rest are normally ok, with channel 4 fading out at certain times in the evening along with some other channels. Expect to lose synch a bit. Parma shouldn't be as bad as Rome though.

Sky Italia is a good bet, but I've not looked at the prices in detail.
I've got a 1 metre dish with a Dreambox and get channels from all over Europe.
If you're a footy fan its worth looking at an ART card for 13E.
Digital -ALB (Albania) on 16E do a good package and most stuff is in English including top films, Premiere football and porn.
SKY Italia do a great package and most channels carry an English language track.
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