Party like it's 1991 - 386SX PC

12 May 2011
You may remember the "Windows 98: The Beige Build" thread which eventually came together well and was upgraded over the course of the last year and a half - its still going in AMD Slot A 800MHz form. I played around a bit with DOS mode on it and I've been itching to make a proper DOS PC. So here is my new project, an 80386 based PC!


It's a Baby AT form factor so I was expecting to have to buy an old or "new old" case but surprisingly one of my cases could accommodate it (my least favourite case but never mind).


It's got an AMD AM386SX at 40MHz, 4MB of RAM, lots of 16bit ISA slots and that's about it! It has a barrel battery on it instead of a CR2032 "normal" CMOS battery. Luckily, it is at least a new barrel battery so shouldn't leak (again).

One of the reasons I was hesitant about this build was that it meant, once again, I would have to accumulate a lot of basic kit and peripherals; last time it was IDE cables and PS/2 Keyboards, this time it is controller cards and serial mice...

I have a bit of a shopping list:


I've got my eye on a couple of ISA graphics cards and I'll need to have a think about sound cards. I would like to get Creative Music System support as well as soundblaster /adlib, which limits me to basically the original soundblaster , sb1.5 and sb 2 if I can find a 2 with the optional cms chips installed.

I might also get a maths co-processor for "floating point calculations" but I'm not sure it will add much to the speed of the CPU.

Does anyone know what the small "socket" is at the very right hand side?

I've got the control card on the way but I still won't be able to properly build it until I get a video card. I'll keep this updated!
Looks like it only has pins on the four corners, and it's the same size as the crystal nearby, and it's right next to the coprocessor slot, so... I speculate it's for the resonator crystal which sets the FPU clock? I'm talking mostly as an electronic engineer here as I didn't get to play with many systems this old growing up!
Great Success!

I've finally got a good few parts together; ATX to AT power adapter, graphics card, controller card, so I was able to test it out - it booted first time! Luckily I bought a controller card that came with a manual so I could set the jumpers as needed. I attached a floppy drive, wrote MS DOS 6.2.2 disks using RawWrite, and it booted to A straight away.

Thanks for the help picking the graphics card which is working with no issues.

It fits snugly in my very small ATX case (it's smaller than my modern M-ATX case!)





Now I need to get a CF to IDE adapter...

...and a sound card.
Good luck! You'll have fun with IRQ & DMA settings when you add multiple cards. It's one of the things modern windows takes most of the pain away from. Impressive build :)
Ah yes, config.sys and autoexec.bat ... squeezing in the mouse and other drivers to memory, but leaving enough for the programs themselves to run !

Happy days. Good luck.
My parts drawer is sadly depleted for early 90's stuff. I do have original 'DOS 6 and tools' 3.5" floppy disk set (3 disks). A Molex powered IDE convertor for 2.5" laptop drives in a destop LGH-IDE-K and a 40GB Hitachi ATA-100 (ATA-6) laptop IDE hard disk currently in a USB external case. Could be free to a good home. Indicate here and send trust if wanted.

I went from 286-12MHz straight to 486DX33 so missed the 386SX

Again happy days.
I've got it up and running fine with the CF card and adapter which eventually arrived. Getting DOS installed was a bit of an adventure as most of my disks seemed dead, but it turned out the driver only worked 99% of the time! Swapped the drives over and DOS is fine. I've loaded the CF card up with lots of games and it's working great, especially for those speed dependent games like Secret of Monkey Island and Test Drive 3, but I still don't have a sound card. I have a bit to learn before I get one as the price seems to vary between £10 and £250!
Just had aquick look on ebay ... blimey ... I cant beleive the price of some of those old sound cards !!!

You may get lucky at a local recycling centre. At the one near me, there is often old PC's thrown out which have random cards in them.
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