-----'PARVUM MATE'-----

6 Mar 2013

Hi everyone. Time for another project. This is my second filler project before the next BIG thing. Now this is the first time I've EVER documented me working on a non-parvum case. That of course makes sense because.. why promote the competition. With that said I had just been itching for the last year to work on another case. As an avid and passionate modder it really sucks seeing another case you like and not being able to build in one.

I decided to change my ways when the offer came up from Asrock to work on the M8. Now I know some people poo poo the motherboards but I've had nothing but great experience with the few I've used in the past. This case was a no brainier for me. Asrock teaming up with BMW Group AND very very SFF. I'd actually just seen modder Kier given the chance to mod the very case so this was even more reason to mod it. It'll be great for me to see two very different builds. Already Kier has increased the size of the case but I will be working within the constraints. The very tight constraints at that.

Due to the nature of how busy we are with Parvum this will be kept a somewhat photo based project log. I'll be more than happy to answer all questions as we go but the text will be kept to a minimum in the project.

This build is possible with the support of Intel, Hyper X, Nvidia and Asrock.

Main Components:

Case - Asrock M8
CPU - Intel i5 4670k
Motherboard - Z97-M8
Memory - Hyper X Unknown
GPU - Nvidia GTX 980
SSD - Hyper X Unknown

3 x Noiseblocker NB-BlacksilentPRO (80x80x15mm)
1 x Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 80mm Single
1 x Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 80mm Dual




First up was to gut the case. Literally so many manufactured parts to get this thing to use the layout it does. A pretty well put together and complex control system for all the case fans, front dial and slot loading drive etc. This of course had to all be stripped to see what space we had to work in:



All the parts removed:


I then wanted to see what intake fans and rad space we had to use. These are a set of very concealed 72mm fans. With the correct modding I can change these to 80mm fans and use a 160mm rad in the roof. As stated I don't want to make the case any bigger and also plan to use hard line tubing in this tight space so keeping rads to a safe minimum was essential. Personally I have no problems with 80mm fans. As long as the rig runs at medium to even higher temperaturs with the rads used I'll be more than happy. Looks over performance here. No overclocking:


The lovely 980 supplied by Nvidia. Much thanks:



Finally a look at the radiators and fans I plan to use. 1 x 160mm and 1 x 80mm. Sadly due to the location of the RAM I can only fit an 80mm rad in the base of the case:



I think someone at Alphacool was too drunk this day...:


Pretty poor quality considering that seems to be a painted finish rather than the copper stickers they provide of recent.

A few photos of the fans on rads and a size reference to give you an idea how small they are. I also opted for 10mm thick 80mm fans here to buy even more space. That considered; they actually pack a good bit of power with the following spec: 52 m³/h / 30.6 CFM




First up a big welcome to EKWB. They've been on board for a number of our projects now and it's nice to see them here once again. Sticking to the classic CSQ with all frosted and nickle here. I want to use a lot of frosted light within the build here.


Tiny mod to the rubber gasket to make the waterblock fit. No biggy just keep it in mind if you end up with this motherboard or case:


So then for the loose test fit. Now we had the main components making it all fit and aesthetically look great was the hard part. I wanted to make sure we could still make easy and hidden cable runs for most of the cables, including what will be a floppy PCIe extender. After many hours I came up with a layout I was happy with:



Trying something EXTREMELY tight with the CPU block & pump. Theoretically with the exact fittings squeezed in it'll work exactly how I want. It also looks kinda funky :)



Radiators have been moved from where initially planned. Both pulling air in. The smaller of the two rads in what used to be the GPU port out space:


Will need to mod the section mentioned above to fit a fan but its also one of the few parts of the case that already has possible intake venting:


A shot from above. What was vital here was to buy a black space within the case. This space will be for a custom milled reservoir and possibly a pass through channel. It was very hard to find a layout that would allow this and also keep it higher in the case than the pump. I'm very happy with this large space considering the size of the case and what's already inside:


To give you an idea of the size of the case, we grabbed a real life Poro....



Very happy we got an update in before Christmas. Best wishes to you all!


Little bit of an unusual but nevertheless amazing turn of events for the Parvum MATE. As you may have noticed the build has got very slow here. This was due to a number of reasons. Time at Parvum being very slim, the old classic too many jobs & not enough time, sponsors and getting hold of specific things for this build all slow. With a build so small you do really need everything in hand.

Moving forward here actually came by luck. To get this project moving and moving fast we decided to get another modder involved. For this project it was an easy choice! We had been lucky enough to meet Joe in person ([@]JR23[/@]) recently at an LSUCS LAN event. What came to this meeting was a series of epic builds by Joe. His S2.0 Parvum build (JR2.0) first got are attention, clean, simple and powerful. After seeing this build we contacted him to see if he would be interested in working on our X1.0 ITX case. Thankfully he was and it went just as well as his previous: (Chocolate Box).

I asked Joe if he could help with this project for a number of reasons. First being the time to actually update and present the project in a full and nice enough way on the forums. Second what basically is now a combination of two great modding minds (if you can consider mine also great) yet presented by Joe. It's pretty cool and we have an amazing array of combined skills. His 3D CAD efforts mixed with our acrylic CNC goodness make a great team.

Without having to say much more this is a small introduction to Joe who will continue the project log on behalf of our team. Make no mistake this is not me simply saying.. 'Joe do all this work for me' but an awesome way for two modders who are now great friends to work together on a system.




I will also be in the thread answering questions and getting involved just not making the thread updates. Joe's first update has been prepared and will follow imminently.

The piece was cut on time however we had to transport it to a secure location to ensure it was safe from the raging Parvum fan girls.

Seeing as its getting rather close to bed time for those in the UK a full size original image has been uploaded for your viewing pleasure ;)
A work of art!

Truly beautiful

Damn, this is gonna look stealthy yet flashy at the same time :D

Christ alive, this is going in a special place on my hard drive. The planning and accuracy that this must have needed is incredible. Good job, lads. Keep it coming!

right then.

Thanks for all the support. Really cant wait to see this block filled in person. Should be cracking on with the PSU cable work the coming week. :)

Hey guys, the time has come! MATE is complete, JR23 said he had to borrow it for some 'research' but today he found the time to have a decent session taking some photographs. It's not exactly a conventional rig so that presented a few challenges, for now we have concentrated on the details. But with the addition of Tom Barnes two epic 3/4 shots it should give you all a full impression of what it's like in the flesh.

So bring on the GPU, Pump Top, Reservoir, Pass-Through full cover madness!


















I hope you all enjoyed the project, we will return with some performance stats and setup photographs. Thanks for all of your support and kind comments along the way and special thanks to ASRock, EKWB, HyperX, nVidia, Silverstone, Mayhems, Tom Barnes and the rest of the Parvum Team.

See you all soon!
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