Password wipe?

11 Dec 2003
I'm trying to get rid of a password auto completion routine for eBay. whenever the site is accessed on this shared computer, the password & user ID field is loaded with my saved details...

using firefox

Have wiped firefox paaswords store

so believe it must be something to do with Windows...

any idea where I should be looking?


Hmm... not sure it is Windows saving it... not when using FireFox anyway. Meh I may well be wrong.

You could try changing the password, and if anything comes up asking if you want to save it, tell it No.

Have you ever used IE to access them as FF might be getting the data still from the old IE files, or do you have a google bar installed with autocomplete
Thanks - you're quite right it was saved in firefox - I'm stunned at how easily accessible passwords are for anyone who cares to check - Is there a way of disabling/blocking or even password protecting (lol) the 'display passwords' option in firefox?
Solnyshko said:
I'm stunned at how easily accessible passwords are for anyone who cares to check
I've been using Firefox for around 9 months and I didn't know that your passwords are stored there where they can be easily viewed by someone who cares to look :eek:

I would also like to know if it's possible to use a password to stop prying eyes :confused:


Set a Master Password, you will be prompted to enter it if you want to view the passwords.

Deathwish said:


Set a Master Password, you will be prompted to enter it if you want to view the passwords.

That option was staring me right in the face, how can I have missed it? :o

Cheers anyway :)
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