Hello all. I probably have a much older account on here but can't for the life of me remember the details of it.
My PC hardware enthusiasm peaked in the early 2000s when I got a PIII-800 (100 MHz FSB slot 1 version - very sought after back in the day!) running at 1160 MHz stable along with some nice performance parts at the time like CAS2 SD-RAM, a GeForce 2 Pro 64 MB, and a monster 21" CRT.
Other things took priority after that to the point I didn't even have a desktop, just a Core2Duo laptop from about 2008-2014. On getting back in to desktops in 2014 I was blown away by how much had changed and how far things had come. I'm certainly grateful for the invention of SSDs and the ultrawide 3440x1440 format, which I now have with my current system.
I look forward to getting out and about on here and keeping up with the latest knowledge and know-how.
My PC hardware enthusiasm peaked in the early 2000s when I got a PIII-800 (100 MHz FSB slot 1 version - very sought after back in the day!) running at 1160 MHz stable along with some nice performance parts at the time like CAS2 SD-RAM, a GeForce 2 Pro 64 MB, and a monster 21" CRT.
Other things took priority after that to the point I didn't even have a desktop, just a Core2Duo laptop from about 2008-2014. On getting back in to desktops in 2014 I was blown away by how much had changed and how far things had come. I'm certainly grateful for the invention of SSDs and the ultrawide 3440x1440 format, which I now have with my current system.
I look forward to getting out and about on here and keeping up with the latest knowledge and know-how.