Pastures anew...

17 Feb 2009
Hello team.

Let me set the scene a bit... I currently work in the content dept. of a big online gambling/gaming firm and feel like I have 'stalled' a bit in my career recently. The work is OK but I feel like I can do more. I'm looking at trying to land a web design job for the same firm so am thinking about building some sort of website which I can use as a portfolio, to demonstrate my skills. The content on there doesn't really matter, as long as it displays my flare as a web designer. I want to land a job at my current workplace, bit of a sideways move.

I am learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript, have been since January and am getting to grips with it, feel like I am becoming quite confident. I'm not really rushing this as I'm thankfully in quite a secure position now, but long-term I don't see myself doing this same job.

I basically want to build something which I can plonk on the design desk and say, I built this shiz, can I come and work with you guys? Struggling to come up with ideas with what I can make. I've built a portfolio website but it's pretty basic and there is very little JavaScript.

Can anyone give me some advice? Any help appreciated as ever.
17 Feb 2009
That site looks insane! Nice, I do think being surrounded by people who can help out would be a massive plus, but at the same time I don't want to be asking too many questions.

Yeah, I understand I'd probably have to start off in a junior role. Something I was thinking of was sticking with what I'm doing at the moment for another year or so then trying to arrange a secondment within the design department and try and get in that way. That way I'd keep my salary etc and get a real feel for how things work there. Boatload of experience too I'd imagine.
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