Patents and inventions

20 Apr 2004
Far far away....
Has anyone here had any expierience of the above.

I have an idea for a product which is unique in the market area I am looking at but not unique generally, there are variations of the item used in a very different field.

I have rough drawing and will be looking at mocking up a working model this weekend.

Its not the next big thing but there is a unique market to tap into.

Im going to speak to the Patent office tomorrow to try and clarify the terminolgy when it comes to Patents.

She i pursue this further what is the best way to safegaurd my idea/design/concept etc

Thanks !
homerio said:
Patents are very, very expensive. I covered patents in my law for managers course last week.

The procedure for applying is long and costly, so you should ask yourself if a patent is really necessary bearing in mind alternative methods of protection, size of the prospective market...................

Taking the above into account what other forms of protection are there?
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