Patriot Viper 4 Series 3200MHz CL16 Kit vs blackout series is there any difference ?

7 Jul 2006
Currently have 16 GB of the Patriot Viper - they come with a RED heatsink


I want to install another 16 GB and could go for the Blackout Series 4 - all I can tell is that it has a black heatsink instead of the red one - is that correct ?

It would be easier for me to tell which ones are newer if I can get the blackout series. - part number is PVB416G320C6K


PV416G320C6K vs PVB416G320C6K is there any difference other than the heatsink colour ?​

They both rated the same and should perform but the blackout is the newer version imo , i looked on the patriot website for red and black, the red version supports up to 3733mhz while the black supports up to 4400nhz .

It should be fine
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