Patriot Viper Steel DDR4 issues (1T)

22 Oct 2012
I was wondering if someone could help me as I have been trying to get my system stable for 2 days.
AMD Ryzen 3700x
Gigabyte x570 Elite Motherboard
Patriot Viper Steel 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 PC4-35200C19 4400MHz Dual Channel Kit (PVS416G440C9K)

I'm running my IF at 1800 that is stable. My memory is running at 3600 with the timings shown below. Timings are from an exported Thaiphoon full html report, imported into Ryzen Memory Calculator.
My issue is I cannot get 1T at all. It's absolutely stable at 2T but with 1T prime95 Large FFTs crashes almost instantly.

I'm at my wits end!

Thank you

Thanks for the reply and the tweak!
Ok, I have input the html and loaded V1 and it gave me these. I have put every single setting I can into my Gigabytes x570 bios and I am still getting errors in memtest. If I change 1T to 2T, these errors no longer occur. I'm really not sure what else to do.

I can run any other stress tests; Realbench, Prime95 small ffts, cinebench for hours and not have a problem. But as soon as I start testing memory it all falls apart.
Do I return these and go the easier route of 8pack 3200 or anything else I can adjust?

Thanks once again!

Seems If I run the memory at 3533 instead of 3600 it passes memory tests fine. That is with the above timings. But that means I always would want to lower my IF which is not what I really wanted to do.

I'm picking up a RTX 2070 Super tomorrow from OC so I might have to grab some more Ram.

Edit- Going to give 3600 along with all the xmp profile timings 19 19 19 etc a shot with 1T.

Edit2 - Failed on default XMP 19-19-19-39 1T @ 1.5v Returning them for sure!
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Sorry I should update the thread a bit.
Programs that I have been using are;

Memtest86 usb boot
The Witcher 3

All latest versions.

No worries anyway, picking up some Team Dark 8 Pack tomorrow which seems to be able to hit at least decent timings at 3600. Guess that will be the test of mobo/CPU.
I think this is more IF related. Looks like a combination of 1T and 1700mhz IF isn't going to work for me.
Might end up with 1600mhz IF 3400mhz memory and low timings. Guess the CPU just can't do it.
Interesting. I have had issues with RAM also and I have the same mobo. It was in my 2nd replacement that I got ram that worked and even then just about. Could it be one of the default setting on the mobo that messes things up I wonder?

I think the issues I were having were just IF clocks, CPU just was unable to cope. I think IF clocks is directly tied to the CPU, not sure if the mobo affects this much(?)
It's a shame I can't push 1800 IF 3600 memory but it is what it is. That good old lottery!.
I'll tinker more with it in the future for sure.
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