Paul Mckenna - I can make you thin

26 Oct 2004
Near Brighton
Hey all

anyone read thius book??
any of you who need 2 lose a bit of weight, - GET IT!
it comes with a mind programming CD which is great - totally transformed me!
I used 2 be addicted 2 choc and crisps and sice ive been on it, i havnt touched either, the cd is amazing, it totally reporgrammes your eating habits and removes cravings!
Since ive been on it, ive lost 9 lb's in 2 weeks!
it also motivates u 2 excercise 2 which is awsome!
And the best thing about it is you can eat what you want - its all in the mind ;)
thanks for reading,

AJUK said:
I caught some of his TV program on Sky One a couple of weeks ago. What he has done is take common sense and package it up under his hypontism brand to make even more money from fat people who, quite frankly, just need to stop eating cakes and watching TV. ;)

stop talking *******
its all to do with the unconcious mind
if it wasnt, i wouldnt have stopped eating crap
ive tried before about 5 times and miderable failed each time
well, whatever you guys, think, its worked for me, i had no self control before this so im happy :)
i know a couple of other people who have done it and its worked, but others not.
IMO it has not been a waste of money at all, if i didnt get it, i know i wouldnt be able 2 slim down before the summer.
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