pay cut

1 Dec 2003
has anyone moved to a new job, taking a fairly large pay cut, in the hope of being happier?
i'll drop around 4k but could work it back up over the years all being well.
I haven't had to yet, but would I if I could afford it? 100% yes.
I worked at a place I hated and it really ground me down luckily I was able to jump ship to a decent pay rise but I'd have taken anything to get out of that place.
If you can sustain the drop in wages and be happier then go for it, the only question for me is - is there grass really going to be greener?
I dropped 10k 3 years ago, back level now.

Was the difference between:

1h commute Vs 15mins commute
60h working week Vs 37h working week
Dealing with scum Vs Dealing with IT

Best move I ever made, more family time, less stressful better promotion prospects.
The question isn't really "would you take a pay cut?", it's "do you consider factors other than pay when looking at employment offers", to which the answer is definitely yes.

It's all a balance. I wouldn't take a pay cut to end up at a place or in a role where I couldn't see a reasonable chance of progressing from, but if I had two similar roles on the table and one was offering flexible working and work from home opportunities a couple of days a week but paid a few grand less then I would most likely go with that option.
Also depends on tax bracket. If you're at the 40% mark, then 4k after tax might not be that much monthly. That + happiness would decide it for me.
Personally I have, but quite a lot more than 4K. I too hoped I'd get the difference back quite quickly and so far that's not happened. I'd quote "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Be very careful and only drop the current pay if you can really afford to (not just a quick "meh it'll be fine" - I mean a serious exercise to look at your current income and expenditure and see if it's a viable move).
Walked out of a 7 year job on £24k, shares, 4 yearly bonuses, pension, 2 massive company parties and a few other perks, ended up on a £20k job, redundant, min wage job for 2 months then £16k.

Currently applying for new ones, back up at £20-24k and pushing my photography hard.

It's been hard money wise, not where I'd like to be with savings/debts etc but leaving that job was the best decision i made because I think i'd be lying in a gutter somewhere now drunk, missing my family and hating the world.

Took a 10k (well, NZD - about £5600) cut for my next job. Truth be told, I was slightly overpaid at my current job so not a surprise really. Could've stayed on that range of money but don't really need it and managed to get a great roll in a lovely city.
If it's for a role where the move will benefit you in future then yes definitely, just have to make sure that the time taken to 'cash in' on the move isn't too long!

I did it years ago, earning potential because of the move increased dramatically which turned into reality rather than just potential not long after.

Arguably best/second best career move I made when looking at it
has anyone moved to a new job, taking a fairly large pay cut, in the hope of being happier?
i'll drop around 4k but could work it back up over the years all being well.

Yes. I took a nearly £10k pay cut to be closer to home. No regrets, but it does help that I was earning plenty to begin with.

Plus points:
- 3 hour daily commute reduced to <1 hour, saving 10 hours a week
- less working hours, 37.5 hours now, used to be as long as required to get the job done
- get to spend time with little one instead of arriving at/after bed time
- more flexibility in working hours, ability to work from home/lates
- reduced child care costs, after school club/half term etc
- massively reduced stress, waking up relaxed instead of dreading Monday morning

Minus points:
- Less money (obviously)
- less challenge, potentially de-skilling, less opportunity for progression without taking on more of the above mentioned stress, commute with less of the flexibility

In different circumstances I can see how easy it would be to get trapped in the grind just for the money. It's very much a case of YMMV
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great replies. i didn't get the job in the end so it was an easy decision!
i may well apply for more in the future though so...
it's purely the social aspect for me, i'm isolated in work , have no real work mates etc
the job is cosy and all but i really think i'll be wishing the years away staying here
i wouldn't take just anything but if i get an offer i'll have to really consider it
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