has anyone moved to a new job, taking a fairly large pay cut, in the hope of being happier?
i'll drop around 4k but could work it back up over the years all being well.
Yes. I took a nearly £10k pay cut to be closer to home. No regrets, but it does help that I was earning plenty to begin with.
Plus points:
- 3 hour daily commute reduced to <1 hour, saving 10 hours a week
- less working hours, 37.5 hours now, used to be as long as required to get the job done
- get to spend time with little one instead of arriving at/after bed time
- more flexibility in working hours, ability to work from home/lates
- reduced child care costs, after school club/half term etc
- massively reduced stress, waking up relaxed instead of dreading Monday morning
Minus points:
- Less money (obviously)
- less challenge, potentially de-skilling, less opportunity for progression without taking on more of the above mentioned stress, commute with less of the flexibility
In different circumstances I can see how easy it would be to get trapped in the grind just for the money. It's very much a case of YMMV