Pay Day 2 VR..

Only having a front facing oculus setup makes playing this impossible, I put off ordering a 3rd sensor for to long, going to order one tonight
I'm running with 2 sensors. I have them in opposite corners of the room.
My play space is wide but not very deep, I tried it before and it just didn’t work well at all, floaty hands every way I turned and I couldn’t pick anything up at all from the ground
Well I installed the smooth locomotion mod that everyone is raving around, managed to play for 20 minutes, but now I really feel as sick as a dog from motion sickness.
Is this the first free locomotion game you have played? If so only play until you feel the first sign of sickness, never try and push through it, dosnt work. Play some free front facing games and I highly recommend Aircar, it’s free and a cockpit game, fly around, dive, loop and you’ll get vr legs in no time.
I’m lucky, very few games have made me sick, but my friend was terrible, he couldn’t even play SuperHot VR for more than 15 minuites without his stomach turning, he almost sold his Rift because of it, it took him a couple of months of training his body not to be ill, flying around in Aircar and travel wristbands cured him completely, now he plays Onward and Pavlov pretty much all night every night
I had ago using the the new control scheme, despite not having a clue what to do and what the hell was going on, there was a giant ghost monster thing shouting at me, not what I was expecting, from a bank robbery game, anyway, with free locomotion I had a great time! And will defiantly be playing again as soon as time allows!

Just a quick question though, is there a manual reload mechanic such as Onward, that i missed? Letting your gun ‘cool down’ and reload is a real immersion killer
I bought Payday 2 in the last minutes of this sale, I've heard about it previously ofc but it never really grabbed me. VR suddenly made it a lot more interesting. I dived in last night and didn't have a clue what I was doing. It was a level where there seemed to be a guy tied up dressed as Santa, and we had to do something with a Christmas tree :confused:

I'm a Rift user, I also didn't configure or read what the controls were. I've since read today that Oculus Touch Controllers (which I was using) may not be fully supported yet? But either way - it was the most fun I've had in VR in ages! It was crazy hectic, made so much funnier because I didn't know what I was doing. Bullets flying everywhere, me hiding behind a desk. My gun seemed to run out of bullets really quickly, I didn't know how to get new clips after I'd run out lol. Found I have a machine gun, same issue with that, didn't know if I should have bought more ammo before the game, or could pick it up in game? Ended up running out, threw 3 grenades, restarted a drill, had to run back down and seemingly punch Santa in the face a few times? Couldn't stop laughing, team mates probably raging. Had no clue what I was doing, died, on my back side layed on the floor, seemed to suddenly have some bullets again, shot some more cops, think I died died.

10/10 would headless chicken again (maybe find out if I actually have Touch Controller support, or at least what the controls are). gg top keks.
Haha this was pretty much my experience!
I remember this was free a while ago and now £30 I missing something, can you pick it up at a cheap price anywhere?
I believe it was just a free give away in limited quantities, probably to make money on the addons. I got it myself when it was free but never played it, it’s insane in VR, really gets the adrenaline pumping.

Try searching DLCompare for it
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