Pay to Win - Any end in sight?

20 Aug 2004
This is a discussion about the wonderful world of Pay to Win games, as they are commonly known. For those who arent familiar with them, its games that you either buy first or get for free, and with putting down some more money get access to all the best stuff straight away.
Now personally I can see why companies do this as they can keep releasing new content and get people to pay for them over and over again. But god does it annoy me.
I personally havent felt a rant necessary since yesterday as games like World of Tanks, the new online C&C, Tribes Ascend, and other such pay to win games are fun for a short while then you realise a few people who only want to play for a couple of hours will put down a load of money to be able to easily massacre all those people who prefer to work hard for their unlocks. But these games are easily avoided.
But what happened lately I hear you ask? Battlefield 3 followed suit! I mean what the hell possessed them to do this?! Put down a few quid and you have all the best perks, all the weapon unlocks etc. So now level one people can take on the best of the rest. This has completely destroyed the game in my eyes and I cant understand why its happened. People are happy to pay for their new mappacks as they come out, with new vehicles / weapons / unlockabes but they still saw the need to do this?! In my opinion its completely stupid and annoys a lot of people. Well me.
Anyone else wondering if this madness will ever end?
Next RTS game will probably have you playing with one unit and paying to unlock others!
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