Payment options for online training

12 Jun 2005
hi guys,

I'm currently working on some online training packages for a company, the training will be created using shockwave and hosted online. My question is about receiving payments to access the training. For instance we want the following to happen:

Customer visits website >
Clicks on 'purchase training' >
gets taken to payment page (paypal, etc) >
payment is taken and a username and password is automatically generated (paypal can do this using their subscription option) >
customer can then log onto the secure page with the training >

Ideally we only want the customer to access the training once and once only, going down the subscription route with paypal gives the customer at least a day where they can log in as many times as they want. We want to limit the training to one customer where they can only run through the online training once, and not be able to do it over and over again.

Can anyone recommend other payment processing sites that would give us more control?
Be easier to tie into an API from a PP for a passback to your site no? Then you can gen random user/pass that is valid for a day? I personally would pass them off to the payment gateway and passback all clear to a script and landing page which displays a user/pass that is random generated and displayed to the user. You could then have a date check or something in the same row as the user/pass for checks on the login code?

That is if your company has an MA (Merchant Account) and PPG (Payment processing gateway), else paypal might be the easier option!

*Edit* Forgot to give you some sites :)


Plenty more out there.
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