Paypal refund question please?

28 Nov 2003
I paid for a machine using Paypal on the 1st of November. It was nothing to do with Ebay. The seller received a message from Paypal saying they had my money but were holding it until i received the goods and confirmed receipt of them. He wasn't happy with this, and I could underatand why. So he issued a refund of the full amount. Once Paypal confired a refund had completed I paid him by BACS and received the machine the following day. It's fine.

Now my PayPal account page shows the refund from him as "Completed" but the return of it to my Paypal account as "Pending" I source Paypal payment funds from a dedicated bank account.

Reading up on this there's a delay to refunds back to my bank account, and once the funds are cleared through the system the money goes first into my Paypal balance, then automatically into the funding source, (my bank account).

As of just now it's still "Pending" can anyone say how long these things normally take please? I should have just done a BACS, but I thought Paypal would offer some protection.... I guess this is how they make additional money, holding thousands of people's funds as long as they feel the can get away with, accruing interest. Just curious as to what's a realistic real world time scale for this procedure. Thanks.
I would have thought the best place to contact would be PayPal?
If you know the trick to speaking to a real person via the telephone at Paypal I am all ears :) I entered a loop where there was no apparent option other than listen to pre recorded "help" messages.
About 10 days for a pending refund for me the last time it happened, i'm not one of these people that hated paypal but i must admit is has become a terrible service.

Blimey, it's a good job I have a bit of fat on me to live off... (The wife reckons it's good for six months on just water, cheeky cow). :)

Thanks, patience is a virtue with Paypal then.
For completeness. I just checked my Paypal account and no change in any balances is showing, but my bank account now shows a transfer into it from Paypal of £995.00. Go figure...

Thanks for the help.
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