PC Advice

11 Jan 2019
Hi all,

I've been playing games on PC for some years but its mostly been simulation games. That dont really require a beastly PC (ets2) but I've decided to get into a bit more of a demanding side of gaming. Such as triple A titles. Battlefield 5 etc.

Current specs:
Intel core i7 7700k 4.2ghz
Asus Strix Asus Strix h270f
16gb Corsair Vengance LP 2400mhz dual channel
Corsair CX750M PSU
Corsair h100i v2
120gb Crucial SSD (windows)
250gb Samsung Evo M.2
Asus 144hz 1080p monitor
Latest nvid drivers
Windows 10 1809

I recently got myselfy a good deal on a clearance sale Asus Strix 1080ti OC and due to the box being ripped slighty got even more off price. Having got myself BFV the other day and installing the 1080ti I struggled to get above 30fps on low. Aftering going into safe mode and wipping drivers and reinstalling im getting a stable 60fps on ultra which is great.

Looking online I've seen similar specs to mine on BF V with slightly better OC on CPU and faster ram (3000mhz) on 1440p getting way above 100fps. As I only currently have a 1080p monitor I cant really test the difference between the two resolutions. So my question is.. am I.. being at 1080p bottlenecking the GPU at all, and would I be better getting a 1440p monitor? Also noticed my cpu doesn't actually turbo up either. After reading a bit more into my motherboard, it doesn't seem to support overclocking which is something I completely skipped over at first. Would this be the cause of my CPU not using turbo and staying at stock speed?(turbo is enabled in bios) Final question would going from 2400mhz to 3000mhz make that much of a difference?

Thanks for reading my wall of text hope it was some what understandable and enough info given.
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Hi and welcome to the forums :)

Are you sure you haven't got VSYNC on? edit - scratch that I've just seen the 144hz screen, although it's worth checking to see it isn't limited in some way both within the Nvidia settings and the monitor OSD

BF V does love cores though so maybe it is the CPU, but I doubt it. The problem is you'll struggle to find a decent Z270 motherboard now unless you go second hand
Vsync is off within the game and off in the Nvidia control panel. I've looked some places online and they still sell Z270 boards mainly on Amazon.
Is your resolution to set to 1920x1080 144hz in settings menu? I would suggest installing a monitoring program such as rivatuner/afterburner and monitoring GPU/CPU usage. You should definitely be getting better performance
Is your resolution to set to 1920x1080 144hz in settings menu? I would suggest installing a monitoring program such as rivatuner/afterburner and monitoring GPU/CPU usage. You should definitely be getting better performance
Yes the resolution is set to 1920x1080p 144hz within the settings menu and 144hz is enabled on the Nvidia control panel. I do have a 2nd 1080p monitor hooked up the gpu but wouldn't of thought that just displaying temps graphs etc would impact the fps that much. I have afterburner open on 2nd monitor seems to be 100% GPU usage and about 60-70% CPU usage. Fps ingame ticks around high 50s and sometimes goes over 65fps. Around 90fps if I look up to the sky.

Forgot to mention. Running latest nvid drivers and running w10 1809 so not latest build I don't think.
Yes the resolution is set to 1920x1080p 144hz within the settings menu and 144hz is enabled on the Nvidia control panel. I do have a 2nd 1080p monitor hooked up the gpu but wouldn't of thought that just displaying temps graphs etc would impact the fps that much. I have afterburner open on 2nd monitor seems to be 100% GPU usage and about 60-70% CPU usage. Fps ingame ticks around high 50s and sometimes goes over 65fps. Around 90fps if I look up to the sky.

Forgot to mention. Running latest nvid drivers and running w10 1809 so not latest build I don't think.
Turn on future frame rendering in the settings if it isn't already assuming you are on DX11
Have you tried with just one screen?
Just tried with one monitor on and it's exactly the same FPS maybe give 4-5fps extra with just one monitor active.
Turn on future frame rendering in the settings if it isn't already assuming you are on DX11
FFR is on and yes running DX11. I've tried turning DX12 on and doesn't make a difference in frame rate doesn't go up or down.
Have you got DSR / Supersampling enabled anywhere? Then turn ALL the post-processing off. AA, AO, everything, and gradually turn things back on.
I do have DSR enabled in the Nvidia Control panel as I use that to scale up to 1440p on ETS2. Would that really effect other games even though I'm not selecting that resolutions in the options?
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I figured it out.. For some reason Geforce Experience was auto optimising it and setting the resolution scale at 200%. Getting Well above 140fps now.
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