PC/Apple Users: HD-DVD and BluRay discs - Question

18 Oct 2002
Now then

Us PC users all have a ROM drive etc...but with these two types of media coming out...What exactly will play?

I mean do we all need to go out and buy rom drives for HD-DVD playback and another for BluRay?

Another question would be this...What of the iMac? How can they use these new media's?

Also, on another point. Do we all need to buy another DVD player for telly to watch HD-DVD?

Oh and another, is BluRay going to be based on storage or is that too heading for films etc...

I Thank You....
Its like history repeating itself...

Just read a very imformative article on it...

Have a read here

See the thing is Werewolf...I am seriously considering getting a iMac, and with the new 'Boot Camp' will hopefully be using both OS's...

I know you said that people dont need to panic yet, how the hell are people supposed to get HD content on their PC's?

BTW, are most new monitors/imac HD compatible?

Arrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh :p
I know you said dont quote you, but I'm gonna ask again... :p

I see the iMac as a perfect computer to me, albeit now I can still play my PC games using boot camp.

Now, as the iMac isnt upgradable etc, I dont want to fork out 1500 on a iMac which cant use HD-DVD disc etc...

This will be used as a TV too, using a Freeview USB Tuner, *if* at any point we get Sky HD in living room, we already have a cable going from Sky+ into my bedroom (which I dont use), would this offer me the chance to watch live HD content on it?

I'm confused, am I making any sense at all? :p
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