PC blowing fuse motherboard gone? or worse...

1 Nov 2013
Hi all,

My son knocked my HTPC of it's stand whilst it was turned on :mad:

Whenever i plug a power cable in, the fuse in the plug blows and the PC obviously doesn't power up at all. i.e. the fuse blows as soon as i plug it into the PSU, i dont get the chance to press the 'power on' button i see the electricity jump as soon as i plug the power cable into the PSU.

Does this mean the PSU and/or motherboard is broken ? i'm not clued up in electronics... any help to get this working again would be great. All cables are snug, ram is fitted correctly and the CPU / fan is still on tight.

Intel G3258, MSI H81I & Bequiet SFX Power 2 300w 80+ bronze
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Sounds like PSU broke down from that drop.
If there's short circuit elsewhere in PC PSU's protections should shut it down.
Attaching power cord to PSU disconnected from PC still blowing fuse would confirm it.

Anyway some other parts might well be also damaged.
Mechanical HDDs simply don't take any bumbs/drops well.
And if using stock HSF attachment push pins those would be good to check, especially if its other than reference cooler.
Hi guys, thanks for the replies.

I've stripped the PC apart and cant see any visual burn/damage on the motherboard or CPU.

I've tested the memory and the HDD in another PC and that seems to be working fine. I'm going to order a PSU. Is it possible to test the motherboard without building inside the case?

Yes it's a stoc intel cooler (dont judge me :p)

Before ordering i PSU i want totry this paperclip test....

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Thats what im thinking, im crapping myself doing it though... trying to find a paperclip. its been disconnected for 24+ hours so there will be no charge left in the unit , hopefully.
JEEEEASSSAS wept.... so i used a staple (bent it and plugged it into a green and black connections) plugged the cable into the back of the psu, turned it on and flicked the switch at the back.... the PSU went BANG! nearly **** myself ... so it's defo the PSU thats borked. - or at least it is now!

hopefully my motherboard survived from the first disaster.

i've actually got an AMD 5350 and using that on the main TV, so if the motherboards gone, i'll move the AMD system into the silverstone ml05 case and test the CPU.

Will the CPU work in my z87 board?
JEEEEASSSAS wept.... so i used a staple (bent it and plugged it into a green and black connections) plugged the cable into the back of the psu, turned it on and flicked the switch at the back.... the PSU went BANG! nearly **** myself ... so it's defo the PSU thats borked. - or at least it is now!
That's why testing uncertain condition device is called as "test firing". :D

Any autopsy shots? :p
Could try to see what shorted and what went kaboom.

Live specimen nude shot should look like this:

Anyway for fuse to blow without even trying to power PC that means there was short circuit somewhere in primary side.
Primary side fault is good thing because secondary and load is galvanically isolated from it. (isolation has to be strong enough to survive ~up to 3kV)
Though there's risk of something getting knocked loose creating path between primary and secondary.
got my new psu today, everything is working fine except one of the ram slots no-longer works, i've tried swapping the ram round in different configs - had 3 x 4GB modules. only 1 slot works now, better than everything being fried i guess :)
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