PC-BSD or Mint?

19 Oct 2002
I used Wubi to install Ubuntu 11/04 & it installed it withing windows & I don't really like that, if Window gets skrewed up & can't boot won't that stop Ubuntu from booting also? Anyway, I am bouncing between Mint & PC-BSD. What I really like about PC-BSD is the .pbi system, but that is all I know that is different about it. I have a single HDD in the system only, Win7 x64 is on it so this will be duel boot. Anyway any specific hardware worrie, like if it works in Ubuntu 11.4 it will in PC-BSD right? Anyway I have a a SMC EZconnect G USB wireless card &
ASUS H61 - EPU, UEFI BIOS and Anti-Surge Protection - mATX Intel H61(B3) Micro ATX DDR3 1333 LGA 1155 Motherboard (P8H61-M LX) those work from install right? Shame Ubuntu went only Unity, I like Gnome.
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool


select gnome at the login screen

log in... and hey presto!!!

job done and you can keep ubuntu (11.10)

WHY? The requirements to do this is slowly driving people away from Ubuntu, into the arms of Mint. Many people see the tangent in which canonical is heading, ... right down the toilet!
Canonical went down the toilet when they forced people to choose beetween Gnome 3 (disgusting when not in fallback) and Unity (the same basically). Bring back gnome 2 damnit!
Long live Hardy Heron...

To answer the question, I'd give Mint 12 a spin upon release if I were you. MGSE looks like it could make Gnome 3 a viable option for people who enjoyed Gnome 2 desktops. PC-BSD is all right, but you do have to keep in mind that there will be things you can't get running under it as easily as under Linux, although I must say they do a good job at making a good desktop system.
Canonical went down the toilet when they forced people to choose beetween Gnome 3 (disgusting when not in fallback) and Unity (the same basically). Bring back gnome 2 damnit!

Earlier than that in my opinion; when they decided everyone's desktop should look like Macs and when they ****ed over the Rhythmbox guys.
I did not want to start a flame war guys or upset the different factions who like or dislike a particular aspect of Linux etc.

Just pointing out a way for him to retain Ubuntu 11.10 + gnome.... which he said he liked.... sorry :(

I, personally, am moving to PinguyOS.. because I like the compiz effects etc... it's just the choice I make :)
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I want with Mint 11. PC-BSD had a great sounding package system, but I read a review on PC-BSD and it didn't sound that great & great point on the ubuntu thing, they are making bad choices for the GUI.
I did not want to start a flame war guys or upset the different factions who like or dislike a particular aspect of Linux etc.

Just pointing out a way for him to retain Ubuntu 11.10 + gnome.... which he said he liked.... sorry :(

I didn't see a flame war mate, don't worry!
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