PC Build [For Office Work]

14 May 2015
I'd like to build a PC for general office use.

We only need the PC build itself (the case and everything inside).

We already have a monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables and a copy of windows 10.

This new build is for my partner and will be used for work ONLY (no gaming).
This will be used for Emails, Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) and a little bit of Adobe Photoshop/InDesign.

I would like the PC to be reliable and last long term.

Could someone kindly help by putting together a build?

I would have thought this should cost anywhere between £300-£400 since we are building this ourselves.

Thank you for any advice you can give!
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £366.00 (includes shipping: £11.10)​

Quad core CPU, 8gb ram, 480gb SSD. Good quality power supply. Case isn't great, but it is cheap, and there's a bit of space in the budget to go for a nicer one :) Also a bit of room to upgrade should you feel the need.
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