PC Build Problem

12 Mar 2003
I'm building a PC for my cousin, using parts donated by some friends, including almost a full PC from a mate of mine. I installed XP on the hard drive using my own PC, so I know it works.

However, when I put the drive in the new PC, and start it up, I get nothing on the screen. My monitor just says "Power saving mode - no connection". Also no power is going to the keyboard or mouse through the motherboard. I think the motherboard is screwed, but didn't want to splash out on a new one unless I had to.

Correction, my cousin will be buying it, but he's skint, hence the free parts I've previously scrounged up.

So, can anyone give me any tips, or should I just tell him he's buying a new one?
Did the problem start when you put the HDD in? If so, try another one.

If you have another computer lying around nick the PSU out of that and try it on your cousins rig. Make sure you know the PSU works before you try.

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