PC build to replace gaming laptop.



12 Apr 2014
Hello all,

My beloved and much used laptop, a Dell XPSL702X is nearing the end of its days. It has been used to game a lot, and as a laptop has run so hot I think I could have cooked a breakfast on it sometimes. Due to my mobility and health issues I used a laptop for gaming despite friends urging me to get a desktop. I'm swayed to the idea of using a desktop with an over bed table to hold the monitor. I'd like some ideas to spec me a build. As cost is always an issue I also l like the idea of being able to improve on the desktop over time and hopefully it will last me longer.

The computer will be used for gaming and general purpose things. The games will mostly be DayZ and Eve Online, with a little minecraft. The tower will need to be small to fit in near my bed, and I'll need all the things, having been a laptop user. The monitor needs to be as light as possible due to being used on an over bed table and wireless mouse and keyboard would make things easier too.

As for the budget, it's more a case of how much do I need to be able to find to do this well. I could build it myself, I haven't before but I'll try anything once.

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions.

This is a nice concise story and i have a few ideas which may help you.

Instead of getting a monitor, have you thought about using your laptop and the screen and peripherals and the Desktop as a 'power source' if you will?

You can achieve this a few ways to achieve this, either by some kind of citrix (type server) setup, using your laptop a s a client or by RDC (remote desktop connection).

I use a similar setup at work, where i use a 4 year old (Intel Core2) PC to connect to a Dual Xeon, 64gb RAM, SLI Quadro Rig for my Design work. :)

The only limitation is your intenet connection.

How does this sound?
Thank you for the fast response.

I'm open to any ideas which can achieve my goals *grin*

The only issue I see with that is that recently every time I opened and closed the laptop lid there was a grinding noise which culminated in the left side hinge snapping away from the back cover. The hinge appears intact but the bezel and back cover are broken, the right side hinge is all that holds the lid and screen now. For now it works but I forsee issues in the long term. The screen itself is fine though.
Sorry, i missed that reply, i hope someone else would have seen it though. :)

Sounds like your laptop is knackered.

Have you a place in mind for where the rig would go?

What is the 'bed table' like? Could you mount it on there if it were small enough? If so, how small?

VESA mounted PC an option? :)

This is a nice concise story and i have a few ideas which may help you.

Instead of getting a monitor, have you thought about using your laptop and the screen and peripherals and the Desktop as a 'power source' if you will?

You can achieve this a few ways to achieve this, either by some kind of citrix (type server) setup, using your laptop a s a client or by RDC (remote desktop connection).

I use a similar setup at work, where i use a 4 year old (Intel Core2) PC to connect to a Dual Xeon, 64gb RAM, SLI Quadro Rig for my Design work. :)

The only limitation is your intenet connection.

How does this sound?

Bad idea, have you tried playing games using RDC? Its not good.
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