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PC Crashes after installing Graphics drivers, new pc

26 Nov 2019
I've just built a new system & installed windows. Pc runs fine but as soon as i install the nvidia graphics driver it will keep crashing. Black screen appears. And then windows cant repair the system. I have to reboot a few time and then the driver seems to uninstall by itself as the screen goes back into 720p resolution (as if no driver is installed)

I cant understand why its happening. Ive installed windows a few times to see if it helps but nope.

RTX 4090

I9 13900k

Corsair hx1500i

Please can someone help figure out why it crashes.

Ive tried,

new drivers & old.
Different power cables
Taking the GPU out and put back in.
Reinstall windows.
Disable XMP
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
Have you tried the studio driver instead?

Are you using a native 12/16 pin, or an adapter? If an adapter, are you using one connector per cable?

Have you installed the chipset drivers, prior to the graphics drivers?

Are you able to install the IGP drivers and run from the IGP successfully?

Does your motherboard have more than one PCI-E slot?

Have you tried setting PCI-E config to a different setting, e.g. PCI-E 3.0?

Are you using a riser, or is the card plugged directly into the slot?
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