Pc Crashing in 3d mark 2003

23 Mar 2003
Trying to run my pc at

290*10 @ 1.56V with my graphics card overclocked but when i do this my computer cant complete 3d mark 03 it either crashes or resets itself.

I can run 3d mark at the current overclock all day long with no problems when the cpu is set at 280*10.

My computer also passes prime 95 at 290*10 all day long and same goes with memtest + S&M. But it wont pass 3d mark 2003.

I am beginning to believe the problem is with my psu anyone agree?

The Psu is a Hiper 580watt.

I am also starting to wonder if this is whats causing the jumping in games. a Sudden pause every so often.

I have already tried different memory 2gb still had the same problem with the pauses so its not the memory.
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