PC dying, building a new one, nothing fancy £550-650

8 Jun 2012
My current system is on the way out so I need to get something together fairly quickly. I am looking at a budget of £550-650 but open to a little more if it would make a noticeable difference.

My PC is mainly used for playing MMO's; Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Secret World Legends. I often have Netflix, DVD's, multiple browser tabs open on my other monitor as I game.

I will be incorporating my existing HDD, optical drive and Audigy FX soundcard.
Would a CPU cooler be necessary or is the stock one good enough?

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks for your time. Here is what I have come up with so far:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £639.15 (includes shipping: £12.30)​
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