PC for office

6 Feb 2010
Hi, I need to order a pc form overclockers but I need help.

I need a cheap pc for my new office. (start up busisness)

This will be running 2xmonitors, and will be running things like opffice 365, sketchup, photoshop etc.

Thank you

Is there a budget? Or is it just cheap as possible. Will you need keyboard, mouse, OS?

If its using photoshop and sketchup, will it need extra storage? You say it needs to run office 365 then sketchup then photoshop "etc", programs seem to be going up and up in needed power! What is it actually used for, like what is your business?

EDIT: Also, do you want it pre-built? OR can you make it yourself since that will save some cash and mean you can upgrade a part or two inside it.
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Hi and thanks for your reply.

I can build it myself, there is no real budget I want it as cheap as possible for the tasks required of it.

Basically I am a devoloper so I will be using it for plans, designs, email and general admin.

I need everything (even the monitors)

Thank you.
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