PC freezes during gameplay

23 Sep 2017

I'm having an issue with a recent build I have done and I was wondering if anybody here knew the solution to the problem I'm having, if this is the wrong place to post this then I apologise. MSI, Nvidia and AMD all seem to be shrugging their shoulders at me.

Geforce GTX 1080,
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X,
Corsair Vengeance RAM 24GB (2 8GB and 2 4 GB),
SSD 240 GB (Boot),
MOBO: MSI X370 Xpower Gaming Titanium,
1000 W PSU
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

What it is, whenever I play a mid-high end game, at any random moment the screen will freeze, this can occur after 5 minutes or anywhere upto 2-3 hours, it usually happens during gameplay and it doesn't matter if the screen is busy or not, it can be quite sporatic and the vast majority of the time I am able to back out of the game (windows > close programme or simply whacking esc key works) and I'm back at the desktop able to boot the game up again and it seems fine for a time. Only on the rare occasion does the machine require a hard reset. Whenever I plug the computer in my TV though, I am yet to find a freeze, granted I have not been on the TV half as long as the monitor I have but I feel I have played on the TV long enough to force a freeze, probably nothing but thought I should mention that.

I have changed the PSU, benchmarked the CPU, changed the HDD and the SSD, reinstalled Windows, reinstalled all the games and the drivers, I have stressed the RAM in Memtest with no errors and tried it stick by stick, I have stressed the graphics card for an hour and benchmarked that with no issues, tried my GPU in a friend's machine which seemed to be fine, I have monitored my temperetures in Afterburner and the GPU rarely goes over 70c in game and the CPU temp is rarely over 60c, I have tried a different GPU in mine (some Radeon that is the equivilant to a 750Ti, apologies but the name evades me) which did the same thing and changed the motherboard.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot.
That's weird, my next job is to check the processor, but none of my friends have the same socket mobo as I do so it's finding one. Proabably have to be a CeX job tbf.
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