PC Freezing

31 Jul 2005
Hi, I am having a problem with my pc freezing but i'm not sure on whats causing it.

It is quite a strange problem as I can leave my pc running prime, s&m, folding etc all day and it won't crash. It will only crash when I am using it, browsing the internet, office work, games. It doesn't crash a lot, sometimes once a week or it can crash few times in a day.
It is prime stable for 24 hours, i've ran memtest and there was no errors.
My cpu was overclocked and I thought this was problem but it is doing it at stock speed as well.

My spec is
Athlon X2 3800+ with a thermaltake blue orb II cooler
1GB PC3200 Corsair (2x512mb)
Geforce 6600 AGP
80GB IDE Maxtor
Asrock 939 dual sata2 (volt modded)
400W Antec Smartpower ATX 1.3

Can anyone think of why my pc is crashing.

It just locks up, sometimes the mouse will start moving slowly for a few seconds then it will just freeze.
It has also reset, it's only done this once though.
There is no bsod or errors.
As above you need to describe the symptons of the crash precisely.

Odvious things are temps but why this would be so sporadic i don't know. Are the ambient temps in the room it's in constant.
Also what progs have you loaded since the problem showed up. Have you a driver conflict on a certain piece of software perhaps.
I take it you have run Ad Aware and spybot etc.Also when was the last time you have a spring clean. Bin old files clear out and defrag etc.

Malc30 is wrong 90% of the time. Please ignore if not relevant. :D
The temps are fine, 47c load and 33c idle The room temperature doesn't really change. The pc is up against a wall, could the psu be overheating or would the pc reset if it was this?

I've reformated the pc so I doubt it's a driver problem or program. I've tried newer and older gfx drivers but it didn't make a difference.
Minor overheating will cause glitches slow downs etc major overheating leads to shut down.
How old is your PSU.
Also have you added any hardware recently increasing the load to your PSU.
My psu is about 2 years old. All the rails are stable. I have added a TV card but I think it was freezing before I added this.
lemonkettaz said:
might be memory. i had to rma my memory in january and that was one of the symptoms... except i couldnt move my mouse on the screen, the pc would just freeze
When mine freezes the mouse doesn't move either. I have tried running memtest for 1 hour and it didn't get any errors. How long should you run memtest for it to test properly?
hmmm i suppose it would show errors if the mem was kaput....

If you cant be certain whether your comp froze before adding the tv card.. try running the pc without it for a while to see if what effect that makes
It's been running memtest for 3 hours now and hasn't got any errors so I don't think thats the problem.
I'll try without my TV card for a while and see what happens. All the rails are stable and it is stable when the graphics card is at load so I don't think the psu is problem either.

It'll take some time for me to find out whats causing it as sometimes it can go for over a week without freezing.

Thanks for the help
You're running at 2.65 GHz, so are you sure of the stability. I'm guessing so, as you do F@H - just making sure.

Despite this, try lowering the OC to say 2.5 and see what happens.
A.N.Other said:
You're running at 2.65 GHz, so are you sure of the stability. I'm guessing so, as you do F@H - just making sure.

Despite this, try lowering the OC to say 2.5 and see what happens.
It was running at this and it's prime stable, i've lowered it to stock speed and it still freezes.
I'm starting to think it's the motherboard. I think the volt mod that I done has messed it up (maybe a dodgy connection). :(

lol at the video.
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I've got a very similar problem to OP. There's another couple of threads kicking around about it and a couple from other people with same problem.
There's no way to replicate the freeze with 100% accuracy and it can happen at any time requiring a hard reset. It would happen completely at random. It would survive 4-5hrs of BF2 or FEAR and then lock up as i tried to open my email. Prime stable, sandra burn in, superpi etc. ran fine.
I decided to reformat but it kept on locking up mid install. After clearing CMOS and sacrificing a fluffy bunny to BAAL it installed and i thought all my problems were over until about two months later when the freezes came back. Now they're increasing in regularity again. Just like it happened in my first install.
As for causes i thought corruption of the windows data on my hard disk was at fault which could realy have meant almost any component could be to blame. But the problems when it came to re-installing windows suggest otherwise as there was no OS installed at the time to cause the crash.
I'm getting a new mainboard (Ultra-d) to see if that improves things. The problem is if it takes two months for symptoms to appear again testing whther it has made a difference will be hard.
i had a similar prob with a flakey voltmod
i ended up redoing it with more layers of silver paint, a hairdyer in btn and a steady hand

are you running your memory at 1t or 2t? it can cause probs like this with this board
Lemmy said:
Did you find a fix for this in the end? I have a very similar problem with xp locking up/freezing ?
My pc seems to be fixed, It hasn't crashed in over a month.
I'm not sure what has fixed it, I tried without the TV card and it crashed so I knew it wasn't the problem and put it back in, then a few days later I updated to a new bios and haven't had a crash since.

I don't think the bios was the problem as I had already tried 3 different bioses and it was crashing on all of them.
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