sorry for the delay in updating, i'm watching the F1 qualifying.

reviewer says he would have given it 96% but for some issues.

one illusion shattering problem is the terrible npc to npc interaction, what they say and who they say it to is pretty awful, sounds forced, sometimes makes no real sense and you'll hear many lines repeated again and again just in different voices. the facial animation is pretty bad (ranging from basic to non-existant), and some characters are just plain ugly (inc. patrick stewart).

i gotta say i can see where he is coming from with old picards character, i saw some vids and thought he looked a bit mangy, but attributed this to the vid being low quality, guess they actually needed to do some more work.

thats the cack stuff out the way, the list of good stuff in this game though is huge, and it's basically all the stuff we hoped. PC gamer say it's accomplished, bold, huge, beautiful,free form, vivid, brutal, immersive, the list goes on...

and overall

"a liberating masterpiece" - PC Gamer

(edit: im a subscriber, we get it early)
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