Pc / gaming issue

4 Nov 2017
Well my problem i am having is i was getting very low fps in games yet my friend who has the same ish build gets a lot more than me.we then checked and did stress tests and my FX 6300 is only getting to around 400 and my friend was getting around 1028. here is everything i have maybe you can find the issue. thanks


Amd FX 6300 3.5ghz stock cooler
MSI 970 Gaming motherboard
8gb ddr xms 3 ram 1333mhz
750w corsair modular psu
Sandisk 60gb ssd Windows
OCZ 60 gb ssd
Msi gtx 1050 TI gaming X 4GB

here is my cores they seem to be running very low http://prntscr.com/h67fyz

i feel like my motherboard is bottlenecking my cpu as my friend has a 78lmt usb 3 gigabyte one and gets 1028 in cpu stress and 150 fps in benchmark test yet i cant get any higher then 400 in stress and no higher than 60 in bench mark test
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