PC gaming on limited internet

24 Dec 2002
Hey All,

After a turbulent start to the year I've just ordered everything I need to get back into some PC gaming, my only remaining issue is I only get 30GB of internet data a month using my phone to tether with so I was wondering if there is anyway I can download the data for games and such on my android mobile phone or windows tablet and transfer them over to my PC so I can use my allowance for actually playing games and updating the PC itself instead of just downloading them?

I know I can download all the drivers needed on my phone and certain sites like GOG should work and allow me to transfer but I'm not aware of any option to do this on steam.

Any help would be appreciated.
Pretty much the answer I was expecting unfortunately, due to my current living arrangement I cant get broadband so I might have to resort to visiting a friend or family member for a day with broadband to download the games I'm after (Monster Hunter World, Dark Souls 3, The Witcher, XCOM & XCOM 2, Magic The Gathering Arena and PUBG are the main contenders I think) and using the mobile data for the rest... alternatively see if I can get a strong enough Wi-Fi signal to connect to the library's Wi-Fi that's nearby :D

Thanks for the quick replies though all :)
Excellent, thanks for the recent updates, given me much more hope :)

I have a small windows tablet I can download the games onto and use that for transferring too.
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