PC Gaming Show - What Do You Want To See Most?

9 Jan 2011
Apologies if there is a thread already, the PC Gaming Show is on today! What are you most looking forward to seeing at the show?

In order for me-

1. Something to do with Divinity Original Sin 2, as Larian teased some kind of announcement.
2. Bloodborne PC announcement!
3. Some gameplay for Wasteland 3.
4. Some info on Hollow Knight - Silksong
5. The Howling End. Darkest Dungeon sequel.

I'll be happy with 3 of those!

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6. A confirmation that game developers will utilize the full power of PC gaming in the future and not hamstring themselves because of consoles
Yes, but tbh I can't afford to upgrade my gpu at this time, so I won't be upset if there isn't some kind
of generational leap forward in graphics shown. I just want interesting games!
So I only got numbers 1 and 3 in the end.... That's OK! :)

I'm gonna give mods a week or so to catch up with the update then playthrough Divinity OS 2 again!
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