PC Gaming to be shown to millions

Being a bit selfish here but I think it will be a good thng as well as it kind of gives a boost above the media friendly console gaming.
yeah I remember that. A few years back.

"Look at the in game footage of DIABLO II, GROUNDBREAKING" :D
fullfat said:
variation will be key here. having 30min slots each week full of counterstrike or battlefield2 week in week out will be boring as hell. if they can integrate reviews/tests/information about new games and kit then that would be great.
but i hardly think games running at 640x480 at lowest settings is really going to set the world of gamer tv shows alight
There was a good article on The Global Gaming League last week about that very topic. Basically saying there is going to have to be a massive jump the quality of games and eyecandy to make it mass market appeal. Ultimately who wants to watch 30 mins of css each night
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