PC gets too hot w/o case side fan

2 May 2004

My side fan on my case is pretty noisy, when I unplug it my PC is very nice and quiet.

The other day, after I had got my PC stable etc. I booted up and did some tests like running a lot, play games and also did a test on seeing what it would do if I put 100% on the CPU.

Well... the temp shot up to 70C so I stopped that and it went back to nice, normal temps.

I was finding when I was doing stuff like spyware scans it would get very hot and the CPU fan would spin up and down, up and down.

I did fix this problem by plugging my side fan back in, if you put your hand over the grill thingy on the side it sounds like a hoover... you can imagine how noisy that is!

I have checked my HSF and that's all firmly on, I also have 2 other back fans taking out air.

Anyway, I just wondered why this could be getting so hot? My spec is 3.0GHZ, 1GB RAM, 200G SATA HDD, Gigabyte 8IPE775-E. My brothers spec is 6800GT, 200GB HDD, 1GB RAM, 3.4GHZ and all that has is a heatsink fan... and mine gets too hot with heat sink fan AND 2 back fans.

Any ideas why this could be? Or are Intel 3.0GHZ CPUs this hot?


Oh, also my Dad is a super multi tasker, at peak he runs around 1GB worth of stuff, idle browsing etc. he runs around 600MB, he has a 3.4GHZ E, 1GB RAM, ATI 9550 I think and he also only has a fan on the heatsink, none others and his PC doesn't overheat or anything.

Could be the case, all I could afford at the time was a £35 case as I wanted a good PSU, But it does have lots of holes and a side window so I wouldn't have thought the airflow is so bad.

Could do, do they blow a lot of air? Because silent ones normally aren't very fast / blow a lot of air.

I also could, to make it quieter and the blow better drill some holes in the side window for a 120mm.


Do you mean akasas ambers as in the orang ones? If so, I have two of them at the back but they don't blow as much air as my side one :(

Could do that, I was actually going to get the XP-120 with the converter for 775 CPUs but then I didn't think I really needed it / didn't think there was enough space on the board.

If I get the one you suggested will that be able to cool up to 3.6GHZ+ ? As i'd like it to last a long time.

Also, I saw this: "The PWM chip in the motor allows an exact fan speed control over the BIOS. (4 wire)". Does that mean that it will control itself and change the fan speed according to the temperature? As at the moment when the CPU is around 40C the fan goes up and down, up and down every few minutes which is VERY annoying.

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Craig321 said:
Could do that, I was actually going to get the XP-120 with the converter for 775 CPUs but then I didn't think I really needed it / didn't think there was enough space on the board.

If I get the one you suggested will that be able to cool up to 3.6GHZ+ ? As i'd like it to last a long time.

Also, I saw this: "The PWM chip in the motor allows an exact fan speed control over the BIOS. (4 wire)". Does that mean that it will control itself and change the fan speed according to the temperature? As at the moment when the CPU is around 40C the fan goes up and down, up and down every few minutes which is VERY annoying.


The arctic is very quiet at its max speed anyway, i doubt yuo would notice it. I can't tell the diference between max (2000rpm) and passive with my freezer 64 pro
its all good getting a new heatsink but if your case temps are high then all it will be doing is blowing warm air to try and cool the cpu down. I'd try and lower your case temps first so at least there is cool air inside your case for the heatsink you use.
Have you got an intake fan at the front to balance all the exhaust fans? My old PC really struggled getting any air into it as the cheapo case had an all plastic front with no vents, Once I cut some vents and mounted another fan my temps were loads better.
I think youd be better off getting a case that has 2 x 120mm fans such as the Antec SLK3000B Midi Tower Case, and get 2 quiet 120mm fans like the Akasa amber, this should cool it down and keep it quiet.

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