PC Has Just Been Infected!

16 Oct 2005
Hey guys i have a serious problem i need help with! So ive had my pc a good 7 months now and have only had Windows Firewall which comes with SP2 and ive never had any problem at all but about 15 mins ago on my pc i went on a motor bike forum i usually go on to see what all the fuss was about, because people were saying its been hacked?! So i load up the page and all of a sudden i have a random script running accross the page and i cant get rid of it! I reset the pc as fast as possible but it's to late! The CPU is at 100% constantally, i cannot access any document or files, the internet has cut its self off even though its working on my sisters pc which is on the same network! So what shall i do guys? All i can think of is a complete reboot because i cannot see my self getting rid of this problem very easily, especially with no proper anti-virus!!

Thanks :(
Right i went into task manager and stopped task on all of the things that sounded dodgy which brought the cpu back to normal and then went into my computer and deleted the 2 folders that had suddenly appeared as well as deleting cookies in internet options! I then started a defrag and the pc reset it's self about 3 minutes in, now all the spy ware has gone and everythings fine :confused:
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