PC - Picture+Audio to TV "Otherside Room" Advice

25 Nov 2011
Hello guys am wanting to change room around to make it more accessible and less clogged up..

Here is how I have it now,

PC and TV hooked up with HDMI and Optical cable from sound card to Sound system..

Now if I was to take away the PC unit and move to the other side the room what options do I have for Video and music play back?

I could have the sound system next to PC and run the wires around for the speakers, but what about picture?

Everything keeps point at I should build a mini PC just for music and video but is they really anything else I can do first?

Hope this all makes sense.

HDMI cables come in all sorts of lengths... why not just run a long one around the room? Along skirting boards, under the carpets along the walls, whatever. If that's out of the question then a cheap box with wifi like a WDTV, firetv, roku etc would solve the music/videos problem.

Edit - oh, you need the pc screen on it. Surely if you can run speaker cables around you can run a hdmi?

Without looking I was expecting such length cable to be very high priced..
Guess I could do that. Going to price a little amd APU system later see what I can do..
You're only talking a tenner ish for 10-15m of HDMI which should be enough. I have a 10m sitting spare if it's enough and you want it for free.

Thanks am looking at about 25ft.. I'll shop around later, why was I thinking £100 lol shows when I last priced long hdmi cable.
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