pc problems : pc frezing in desktop

18 Oct 2002
booted pc this morning, went to make a cuppa, came back and found pc had frozen on the password stage.
had to turn psu switch off and on again, i then found pc froze just before the password stage.
re-booted pc, went ito bios,found 2nd maxtor h/drive was not being detected, pain as it's me boot drive.

tried all sort of settings= nothing worked.

re-booted again and found cpu and mobo temps were way over
100 f,went to clean fluff from cpu and case fans, this made a big diff as i could now get into windows desktop,briefly.
checked maxtors via properties- were ok, both detected and had no probs.
but as soon as i use pc it freezes after 2 mins tops, so scan them via tools is a no no.

cleaning as much fluff of the pc inards help bring down a lot cpu is about 30 c instead of 55c and mobo is now down from 120 = to below 100 f.
but doing this has not helped my pc from freezing after 2 mins, please help
it's doing my nut in.
and my spelling is getting worse tna before lol :)
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hi, my no.1 pc has sata drives, my old pc that i'm struggling with now, is of the old type, there is no way i can swap drives.
btw checked out main pc and temps have gone back up a bit.

i was thinking dust may have drove cpu crazy.

one side of pc has case off, side backing off my h/drives.
my sata drives have their own seperate cables.

when it frrezes, i then check bios, boot drive is sometimes missing and my 2nd maxtor gets shifted about in the pecking order, leave it for a few mins- boot into windows , 2 odd mins and it freezes.

e. Drive Health proggy says boot drive is at 50 c !
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booted up pc last night, took ages whilst doing a check dsk= 30 mins before it finished,went into desktop- 2-3 mins and it froze.
booted pc this morning and
the Health (h/drive proggy) prog says Nearest Tec is within 2 months for both h/drives
(sata 1 type).
no.1 h/drive temp 38 c, no.2 drive is 28c.

took main boot h/drive out of case and it is now running at 38c and the secondary one also is still at 28c and that's been a constant temp for both since i lasted posted. maybe it helped taking my boot drive out of the case and it's now on it's side next to the pc, drastic measure i know, but at least it's given me time to back up stuff since my last back up :)
but i guess i need a better case than my Thermaltake and new Sata h/drives ?
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